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I remember the first time I came up with the idea of starting a blog. I had always cherished the idea of having my own website. I know right now you are asking the question for what purpose? Well, the answer is pretty simple: to let the world know about me! You know, I wanted to be a celeb columnist like Miss Mandi!!

So I was just a finalist, let’s say it was the second last month in my ‘tenure’ as a student in a classroom setting. The date Time was March 8 2016, a Tuesday. The day’s class was over. Project Management and Appraisal was the unit. In class, I was always a backbencher (unless circumstances forced me not to), not out of fear but out of habit that was bred in me by my primary school teacher who made me sit at the back of the classroom since class two (you can imagine being a backbencher since 2001!).

Away from the backbench story and back to the gist of my blogpost. I remember that evening vividly as if it were yesterday (a cliche line or isn’t it so?). I set up my log in details and there I was. For the username, I wanted something unique. There was nothing more unique than my surname. However, the name had to be something classy. McMahon hit my head. Well, I am pretty sure you are wondering who McMahon is. Guess who? Well, he is the majority owner, chairman and CEO of WWE! I guess that the name hit me because I loved wrestling when I was young and I still do today. Immediately, I coined the name McKanyanga and there I was! My blog was set up!


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However, I had no idea what the blog would be about. I thought and thought and thought about what I was going to write in my first blogpost. Then it hit me (a eureka moment!). i was going to summarize one of my favorite books, that is, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I deemed this to be easy because one of my favorite mentors and motivational speakers, Geoffrey Ochieng, the Head of ACCA Kenya had recently given us a motivational talk and he quoted several texts from the book.


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My first blogpost was about Time Management. I used the Four Quadrants as suggested by Steven R. Covey in the book and it was way far much easier finding the words to complete the blogpost (To access the post, click: In about half an hour was born!!!!

Happy Blogiversary to me!


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