How to be single

Is there really a way to be single? Yes, there are two ways actually, the right way and the wrong way. We spend so much time looking for the right person and many times our hearts end up breaking into many small pieces at the end of a relationship. What we haven’t realized is that we need to learn how to be independent and discover ourselves before we let ourselves be with someone else.

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Being single does not mean you are lonely but it just means you have more time to live your dreams the best way you know without anyone confining you in a certain line of thought. It also means you have time to spend with your friends and enjoy your hobbies more. The thing about dating is that whether you like it or not, you will always want to make your partner happy, and sometimes that means compromising some things you love. If you are okay with that, then go you! And find things you enjoy together.




But singlehood brings about some sense of freedom and a sense of knowing yourself better. If you use that freedom accordingly then loneliness will not even hit you. You will realize how much you can accomplish by yourself and whilst at that, you will meet someone, they may not be like you, but you will appreciate the differences between the two of you because you now understand that you are at your best when you do you. And while at that, we get time and a chance to develop a deeper connection with God. You also get to figure that He is the only one who can love you unconditionally with all your flaws. With this in mind, you develop a sense of self-confidence and you start to fathom the fact that you do not have to please anyone. You also get to enjoy the benefits of a loving Father, my favorite is some kind of Peace that surpasses all human understanding accompanied by immense joy within, such that everything in your life falls into place. Also, you get some grace to go through the hardest times of your life without having to rely on a boyfriend or girlfriend. So if you ask me, being single is not a bad thing. It is not about making your ex jealous rather it is about bettering yourself. It is about learning how to live alone. It is also about getting to know and choose your friends.




So if you are out there feeling like the world has come to an end just because you got dumped, or you dumped someone but it feels like you were dumped or you are fine but you do not know how to live without someone, life has just started for you. Sit and think what you want to be and start living like the person you want to be. Be confident and put your game face on. You ain’t the first to be single and you probably won’t be the last.

Image credits: youtube, compassionateman, girldefined, pinterest (2) respectively

Authored by #JJ

17 thoughts on “How to be single

  1. thuonorah

    Truly being single isn’t such a bad thing.It gives you the alone time you need to be yourself and with yourself,find out who you really are, know your strengths and weaknesses,, your flaws and all.I think it helps you mould yourself into a person who can eventually let someone else into your life and not feel wholly suffocated by them

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: How to be single — kanyanga | jjngetich

  3. panipaq

    I also think people get more attractive… both physically and emotionally when they’re single..
    its the time when you get to do what you always wanted.. gyming… meeting new people.. flirting, just to confirm if you still got the vibe…and discovering your talents…
    my take on being single is simply a journey to self discovery…
    awesome work Joy Joy…

    Liked by 1 person

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